Sunday, 18 April 2010

People's huge ego's

I have recently come to understand that some of the people in my life whether work colleagues or friends have absolutely huge egos. They brag and make themselves sound fabulous when really i think that they are insecure about themselves.
If you are a major star or somebody really important, then fair enough but when your the run of the mill average person, then NO, do they not realise when in the company of others how stupid they sound? What ever happened to been quietly confident? People don't like show offs, and the majority of the time you won't be respected as a result of thinking your fabulous. People will look at you and think 'oh fuck how the hell did they get that huge head of theirs through the door' and they only make fools out of themselves.
Best of it is they look down their nose at people like you and i, and presume because we are not loud and garish then it must mean that we have no confidence, NO we have confidence we just don't go around thinking that we are the next best thing to sliced bread.
It's not just one particular person in my life that is like this, there is a couple, over confidence is cocky and rather embarrassing when in the company of rather important people, to be quietly confident is much better than bigging yourself up to make yourself sound better, when really the people that you are showing off too won't be impressed, and won't want to be in your company again.

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